Our Style
We are VERY casual and informal. For most it is jeans, for some it is dressy. Wear whatever is comfortable for you. We truly do not care how you dress, just be yourself. You are just who we are looking for! We are imperfect people who serve a Perfect God. Come as you are and join people who are just like you.

We are here for you! Talk with us to get hope, help, prayer, or counseling. At the end of each Service there is an opportunity to receive prayer. Also, you can call the Church Office at 856.629.4680 or contact us using the form below and someone will be glad to pray for you or schedule an appointment for you.
Who We Are
Life Church is known for keeping it real. We are genuine down-to-earth, no pretenses, honest and transparent. We are people you can share your struggles with and not be judged. We are white-collar, blue-collar, no-collar, young, old, red, yellow, black and white. Life Church is for all people,